How to: Fitness

34 | Q&A: Optimizing Hormones, Supplement Safety, and Set Point Weight Theory

July 08, 2024 Michael Ulloa and Kate Lyman Season 2 Episode 30

In this episode we address various questions from listeners in this Q&A episode. We discuss the validity of the 'Set Point Weight Theory', the safety of using supplements, the impact of hormones on fitness, and managing constant hunger. Lastly, we delve into debunking certain fitness myths and providing practical solutions based on individual needs, habits and lifestyle.

0:15 How do I optimize my Hormones and fitness, especially for people over 30?

5:24 Not a question, but I could really use a boost after hearing it’s always calories in vs. calories out (and that weight loss should always come with feeling hungry)

7:13 I was curious to hear about supplements and their safety given they aren’t FDA certified. How do you know when something is safe?

10:04 Is set point weight theory real?

13:25 Any tips with always wanting to eat a lot and often?

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